Make Our Talent
Acquisition Yours
If your company has complex hiring needs, Davalyn Corporation can make the process a whole lot easier. Our custom recruiting solutions are flat-out effective against a range of large, complex hiring challenges.
Our Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) gives you a consistent well of talent for all of your hiring needs. We help your company quickly and efficiently recruit the top candidates for your open positions and provide a cost-effective approach to hiring. With the latest technology and state-of-the-art systems, you’ll gain access to the most qualified applicants from across the globe, allowing you to explore channels that uncover active, passive and hidden talent pools
Understand the Davalyn Difference.
We believe there are several critical components that any organization must consider when selecting an RPO provider. Your organization’s focus should be on the demonstrated capabilities of the RPO provider in these areas:
Our solution toolbox includes full Recruitment Process Outsourcing to recruit and source talent in a short timeframe, to schedule and prepare candidates for the interview and on-boarding process and to manage applicant volume and empower recruiters and managers to identify quality candidates.
We offer you solutions designed around you on a worldwide scale, providing a single source covering every aspect of your global hiring needs. Where other companies focus on just one piece, we bring them all together to create the best picture for your company’s success.
The bottom line is we work to deliver a recruitment solution that’s designed around you.