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Letter to our clients during COVID-19 pandemic

To our valued clients:
On behalf of Davalyn Corporation, I would like to reach out to you during this difficult time. While we believe everyone should observe the measures being taken to lessen the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we know there is still vital work to be done. Across the country and all around the world you—our client partners—are working diligently and under difficult conditions. You carry on, doing the best you can, and so will we.
We understand the challenges our candidates are facing and are doing everything we can to relieve the stress and uncertainty, working outside our offices and from our homes, still connecting with our clients to find opportunities for your professional growth.
All projections point to the virus diminishing by summer and we are confident that our workplaces and industries will be active and thriving before then.
At Davalyn Corporation, hope is alive and well. The post-virus marketplace will be a time of massive opportunity. That is why we will continue to help clients fill these positions crucial to those projects that will carry them past this time of uncertainty.
We are in the business of human connection and at no time has that been more essential than now. It is all our responsibility to remain positive and be resilient until we can get back to business-as-usual, stronger than ever. Davalyn will continue to seek out and provide our clients with the talent and leadership they need to navigate any conditions the future may hold.
We thank you for your continued support and look forward to being of service to you.
Rick Sinay
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